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Poets on Poetry (Series)

Poets on Poetry collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation.

Series Editors
Editor, 2021-2026
Derek Pollard, dpollard@mailfence.com

Founding Editor
Donald Hall

Editors, 2012-2019
Marilyn Hacker
Kazim Ali

Editors, 2006-2011
Marilyn Hacker
Annie Finch

Editor, 1994-2006
David Lehman

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

The Imaginary Present

Essays in Quantum Poetics

Exploring the questions of the universe through poetry and science

To Go Into the Words

A critical look at transcendence and a radical delight with language

Yes, There Will Be Singing

A powerful collection of essays that ruminates on poetry’s profound spiritual and healing possibilities

Noise That Stays Noise


Collected essays by a prominent contemporary poet

The Lover of a Subversive Is Also a Subversive

Essays and Commentaries

Essays from a nationally acclaimed Latino poet