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Poets on Poetry (Series)

Poets on Poetry collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation.

Series Editors
Editor, 2021-2026
Derek Pollard, dpollard@mailfence.com

Founding Editor
Donald Hall

Editors, 2012-2019
Marilyn Hacker
Kazim Ali

Editors, 2006-2011
Marilyn Hacker
Annie Finch

Editor, 1994-2006
David Lehman

Showing 1 to 25 of 129 results.

Ghosts and the Overplus

Reading Poetry in the Twenty-First Century

Celebrating the voices, current and past, that surface in lyric poetry

To Go Into the Words

A critical look at transcendence and a radical delight with language

Working Time

Essays on Poetry, Culture, and Travel

Essays that explore literature, art, and contemporary culture and their connections to time and place

A Beat Beyond

Selected Prose of Major Jackson

Foregrounding the possibilities of human song

From the Valley of Bronze Camels

A Primer, Some Lectures, & A Boondoggle on Poetry

"What makes art 'modern' and what does 'urgent' mean now?"

Collected Prose

A collection of essays on poetry and the experiences that influenced this poet

The Spiral of Memory


Intimate, illuminating conversations with one of the most important voices in contemporary American poetry

The Passionate Spectator

Essays on Art and Poetry

Insightful essays on art and poetry by the acclaimed writer, critic, and curator

The Underground Poetry Metro Transportation System for Souls

Essays on the Cultural Life of Poetry

Tony Hoagland’s essays, full of sharp wit and astute observations, draw out the poetry hiding everywhere in American culture.

The Sound of Listening

Poetry as Refuge and Resistance

Philip Metres’s essays demonstrate the necessity of poetry in uncertain times

Someone Shot My Book

A volume in the Poets on Poetry series, which collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation.

Ecstatic Émigré

An Ethics of Practice

A volume in the Poets on Poetry series, which collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation.

Pivotal Voices, Era of Transition

Toward a 21st Century Poetics

A volume in the Poets on Poetry series, which collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation.

The Mirror Diary

Selected Essays

A volume in the Poets on Poetry series, which collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation.

The Little Death of Self

Nine Essays toward Poetry

Marianne Boruch indulges in the joy of the short leap between poetry and the essay

Condition Red

Essays, Interviews, and Commentaries

A new prose collection by Pulitzer-Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa

How Long Have You Been With Us?

Essays on Poetry

The latest volume in the Poets on Poetry series collects 12 essays by the internationally acclaimed poet, translator, and critic Khaled Mattawa

The Skin of Meaning

Collected Literary Essays and Talks

Explores the way poetry can combine social awareness and lyric vision

Resident Alien

On Border-crossing and the Undocumented Divine

A deeply complex and beautiful analysis of poetry in its many forms and its use in collaborations with other arts and disciplines

Immanent Distance

Poetry and the Metaphysics of the Near at Hand

Explores the role of poetry as a transfigurative process

From the Valley of Making

Essays on the Craft of Poetry

An impassioned consideration of the place of poetry—and the poet—in an ever-changing world

The Necropastoral

Poetry, Media, Occults

An exploration of poetry as an expression of biology

Windows and Doors

A Poet Reads Literary Theory

A poetry handbook rooted in theory, history, and philosophy

Yes, There Will Be Singing

A powerful collection of essays that ruminates on poetry’s profound spiritual and healing possibilities