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High School

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

Challenges 3

Reading and Vocabulary for Academic Success

Thinking Critically, Second Edition

World Issues for Reading, Writing, and Research

Second Edition

Challenges 2

Reading and Vocabulary for Academic Success

Challenges 1

Reading and Vocabulary for Academic Success

Spelling Counts

Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners

Crafting Compositions

Tools for Today's Writers

Integrated reading-writing practice for stronger, more confident writers

Bookmarks: A Companion Text for Growing Up

A textbook to help students learn English and learn about major events in early to mid-twentieth-century America

Bookmarks: A Companion Text for Like Water for Chocolate

A novel read and loved by many—share in the experience with the companion text!

Bookmarks: A Companion Text for Kindred

A companion text for ESL students of the successful novel, Kindred