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Comparative Politics

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results.

Disruptions as Opportunities

Governing Chinese Society with Interactive Authoritarianism

How authoritarian states adapt to new phenomena

Chinese Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in the 1970s

Two studies exploring the question of linkage between Beijing’s foreign policy and domestic politics in the PRC

Early Communist China

Two Studies

Two studies examine the Fu-t’ien Incident and the Agrarian Reform in Kwangtung

Central Documents and Politburo Politics in China

A study of the dynamics at the center of Chinese politics as revealed in the “Central Documents” through which the leadership communicates with the rest of the political system.

Peking Politics, 1918–1923

Factionalism and the Failure of Constitutionalism

The story of how politicians who believed in constitutionalism were driven to destroy it by the short-term tactical requirements of their chosen political game

Reform and Revolution in China

The 1911 Revolution in Hunan and Hubei

Explains how reforms in the late Qing dynasty indirectly amplified the social forces that brought about the Revolution of 1911

Paths to Power

Elite Mobility in Contemporary China

Searches the lives of six top politicians in the post-Mao Zedong era for answers about their paths to power

Citizens and Groups in Contemporary China

Uses an interest-group approach to look at policymaking in China through studies of the roles of workers, peasants, scientists, intellectuals, managers, and the military

The Mandarin and the Cadre

China’s Political Cultures

Searches for the secrets of the durability of Chinese culture during the Leninist transformations of the 20th century