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American Politics

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 results.

Following in Footsteps or Marching Alone?

How Institutional Differences Influence Renewable Energy Policy

Renewable energy policies and the politics of resource management

Isolation and Engagement

Presidential Decision Making on China from Kennedy to Nixon

Personal presidential style profoundly affects China policy, both in and outside the administration

Cops, Teachers, Counselors

Stories from the Front Lines of Public Service

Second Edition, New and expanded edition

A penetrating look at how government workers make sense of their work, ascribe identity to the people they encounter, and account for their decisions and actions

More or Less Afraid of Nearly Everything

Homeland Security, Borders, and Disasters in the Twenty-First Century

An Insider’s Guide to Homeland Security

Foreign Policy Advocacy and Entrepreneurship

How a New Generation in Congress Is Shaping U.S. Engagement with the World

Junior foreign policy entrepreneurs in Congress are reshaping the United States’ foreign policy landscape

Early Start

Preschool Politics in the United States

A political history of the debate over preschool education policy in the United States

Treaty Politics and the Rise of Executive Agreements

International Commitments in a System of Shared Powers

Executive agreements offer both the president and Congress a more efficient way to conduct international affairs

Americans, Congress, and Democratic Responsiveness

Public Evaluations of Congress and Electoral Consequences

New and expanded edition

The public's satisfaction with Congress determines policy shifts as well as turnovers at election time

Democratic Laboratories

Policy Diffusion among the American States

An important new study of how policy ideas and innovations spread

Governing Fortune

Casino Gambling in America

The first accessible introduction to the American gaming landscape

The Next Twenty-five Years

Affirmative Action in Higher Education in the United States and South Africa

A must-read for anyone who cares about the future of higher education in diverse democracies

Institutional Change in American Politics

The Case of Term Limits

The first comprehensive look at the long-term effect of the 1990s wave of term limits legislation

The White Welfare State

The Racialization of U.S. Welfare Policy

Groundbreaking new research into the historical relationship between race and social welfare

Opposition and Intimidation

The Abortion Wars and Strategies of Political Harassment

The first systematic study of the extralegal tactics employed by the American anti-abortion movement

Imagining America in 2033

How the Country Put Itself Together after Bush

A utopian narrative

America at Risk

Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty

A group of eminent thinkers and writers address the question, what are some of the greatest dangers facing America today?

No Child Left Behind and the Public Schools

Why NCLB will fail to close the achievement gap—and what we can do about it

Democracy's Promise

Immigrants and American Civic Institutions

Insights into how immigrants can contribute to the growth of vibrant and diverse American political institutions

Governing Fortune

Casino Gambling in America

The first accessible introduction to the American gaming landscape

School Choice and the Future of American Democracy

Exposes deep contradictions in the politics of American educational reform