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Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results.

Baseball Fever

Early Baseball in Michigan

This detailed history of early baseball in rural Michigan focuses on the evolution of America's pastime from child's game to organized sport and challenges the notion that baseball's development was strictly an East Coast phenomenon

The Best of Bacon

Select Cuts

A treasured collection of timeless pieces written by John U. Bacon—Perfect for fans of any sport in Michigan

Michigan Ice Hockey

Celebrating the All-Time Greats and Most Memorable Moments

An intimate look at the people, the traditions, and the lore surrounding the most successful U. S. college hockey program

M Is for Michigan Football

Celebrating the Tradition of Michigan Football

A collection of photographs, historical facts, and trivia from University of Michigan football

Blue Ice

The Story of Michigan Hockey

The games, coaches, and players of the University of Michigan's storied hockey program