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American History

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results.

Performing Flight

From the Barnstormers to Space Tourism

A century of human aviation and space travel, seen through the lens of performance

Provocative Eloquence

Theater, Violence, and Antislavery Speech in the Antebellum United States

Shows how theater was essential to the anti-slavery movement’s consideration of forceful resistance

Provocative Eloquence

Theater, Violence, and Anti-Slavery Speech in the Antebellum United States

Shows how theater was essential to the anti-slavery movement’s consideration of forceful resistance

A Player and a Gentleman

The Diary of Harry Watkins, Nineteenth-Century U.S. American Actor

Recaptures antebellum history by tracing the journey of actor and prodigious journal-keeper Harry Watkins

The Captive Stage

Performance and the Proslavery Imagination of the Antebellum North

A revealing exploration of Northern proslavery sentiment during the period before the Civil War

Spectacles of Reform

Theater and Activism in Nineteenth-Century America

Reveals the crucial role that spectacle played in American activism and reform movements in the 1800s

Parlor Ponds

The Cultural Work of the American Home Aquarium, 1850 - 1970

The first in-depth study of the history of the home aquarium

Performing America

Cultural Nationalism in American Theater

How theatrical representations of the U.S. have shaped national identity

Lines of Activity

Performance, Historiography, Hull-House Domesticity

Applies the interdisciplinary insights of performance studies to the life of Chicago's Hull-House settlement

Passing Performances

Queer Readings of Leading Players in American Theater History

Recovers the hidden history of theater professionals who transgressed gendered expectations of their time