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Gender Studies

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results.

Dirty Work

Domestic Service in Progressive-Era Women’s Fiction

What representations of domestic service in literature reveal about various Progressive Era cultural narratives

American Socialist Triptych

The Literary-Political Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Upton Sinclair, and W. E. B. Du Bois

A closer look at three American writers sheds new light on the evolution of socialist thought in the U.S.

Transcribing Class and Gender

Masculinity and Femininity in Nineteenth-Century Courts and Offices

Examines the historical roots of clerical work and the role that class and gender played in determining professional status

An Angle of Vision

Women Writers on Their Poor and Working-Class Roots

Uncommon perspectives by prominent women writers on class, money, family, and home

Moisture of the Earth

Mary Robinson, Civil Rights and Textile Union Activist

A voice from the margins that refuses to be silenced