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Gender Studies

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

Liberating Economics, Second Edition

Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization

2nd Edition

Creating Gender Equality from the Ashes of Neoliberalism

Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States

Current Issues

A unique examination of asset accumulation and the connection between wealth and well-being among different racial and ethnic communities in the United States

Market Dreams

Gender, Class, and Capitalism in the Czech Republic

How have women experienced the transition from socialism to market economy in Eastern Europe?

Liberating Economics

Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization

1st Edition

The first accessible book to offer a feminist analysis of economic relationships illuminates the role of gender in contemporary economic life

Population and Progress in a Yoruba Town

Argues that progress and fertility cannot be expected to follow a universal trajectory

Putting the Invisible Hand to Work

Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics

A guide to introducing service learning in the economics classroom

Squaring Up

Policy Strategies to Raise Women's Incomes in the United States

Offers policy ideas for improving the incomes of American women

The Well-Being of Children and Families

Research and Data Needs

An interdisciplinary examination of how well American families and children are faring at the start of the third millennium

How to be Human*

*Though an Economist

A witty and thoughtful romp through the profession and practice of economics

Valuing Us All

Feminist Pedagogy and Economics

Argues for making economics classrooms more inclusive through changes in course content and teaching methods