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Women's Studies

Showing 1 to 25 of 28 results.

Walking the Gendered Tightrope

Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders

Examines how women in higher office must balance feminine stereotypes with exercising their power

Liberating Economics, Second Edition

Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization

2nd Edition

Creating Gender Equality from the Ashes of Neoliberalism

The Paradox of Gender Equality

How American Women's Groups Gained and Lost Their Public Voice

New Edition, With a New Preface

A challenge to conventional notions about American women’s collective engagement in public policy-making

Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan

Gives critical attention to the issue of Japan’s low level of gender equality and the conflicting information from surveys of women reporting a high sense of well-being

Anatomy of a Civil War

Sociopolitical Impacts of the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey

Illuminates the sometimes surprising positive and negative outcomes of civil war

Gendered Vulnerability

How Women Work Harder to Stay in Office

Analysis-driven study of female candidates and how they represent their constituents better than their male colleagues

Gender, Intersections, and Institutions

Intersectional Groups Building Alliances and Gaining Voice in Germany

A fascinating look at diversity issues and an analysis of how intersectional groups garner political attention

Flourishing Thought

Democracy in an Age of Data Hoards

Insightful reinterpretation of data-gathering, surveillance, cloning, and reproductive tissue and their implications for democratic politics

The Changing Face of Representation

The Gender of U.S. Senators and Constituent Communications

Gender matters in communication, media portrayals, and citizens' attitudes toward senators

The Paradox of Gender Equality

How American Women's Groups Gained and Lost Their Public Voice

1st Edition

A challenge to conventional notions about American women's collective engagement in public policy-making

Seven Stories of Threatening Speech

Women's Suffrage Meets Machine Code

Treating language as a type of machine code opens new avenues for the study of history and politics

Transforming Masculine Rule

Agriculture and Rural Development in the European Union

European agricultural policy has the potential to restructure gender relations

When Protest Makes Policy

How Social Movements Represent Disadvantaged Groups

Do social movements lead to more inclusive democracy or to a more polarized, fragmented, elite-dominated polity?

Market Dreams

Gender, Class, and Capitalism in the Czech Republic

How have women experienced the transition from socialism to market economy in Eastern Europe?

Communities and Law

Politics and Cultures of Legal Identities

Offers an alternative approach to liberalism and to communitarianism, with an empirical focus on Israel

Opposition and Intimidation

The Abortion Wars and Strategies of Political Harassment

The first systematic study of the extralegal tactics employed by the American anti-abortion movement

American Jewish Identity Politics

Explores changes among American Jews in their self-understanding during the last half of the twentieth century

Constituting Workers, Protecting Women

Gender, Law and Labor in the Progressive Era and New Deal Years

Studies historical constitutional development in relation to protective laws for women in the U.S. during the Progressive Era and early New Deal years

Sex, Race, and Merit

Debating Affirmative Action in Education and Employment

Traces the history of this divisive national issue, as reflected in the writings of key opinion makers and in public documents