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Showing 1 to 22 of 22 results.

Writing Recommendation Letters

The Discourse of Evaluation in Academic Settings

The first book-length guide to academic recommendation letters, supported by real-world examples

The Unplanned Lesson

How to Stop Searching for Activities and Start Engaging Students

Revamping lesson plans to be more flexible and engaging for language learners

Breaking New Ground for SLIFE

The Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm

Second Edition

Helping educators support and teach students with limited or interrupted schooling

Course Design for TESOL

A Guide to Integrating Curriculum and Teaching

Michigan Teacher Training

A Casebook for Second Language Teacher Education

Reflecting on the Language Classroom

Michigan Teacher Training

Breaking New Ground

Teaching Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education in U.S. Secondary Schools

Common Ground, Contested Territory

Examining the Roles of English Language Teachers in Troubled Times

Understanding Cultural Narratives

Exploring Identity and the Multicultural Experience

Finding a Voice

The Practice of Changing Lives through Literature

Philosophy and practices of an alternative sentencing program

Diversity in College Classrooms

Practices for Today's Campuses

Practical advice for ensuring and respecting diversity in classrooms

Shakespeare Behind Bars

One Teacher's Story of the Power of Drama in a Women's Prison

An inspirational story for all teachers

A Place to Stand

Essays for Educators in Troubled Times