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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results.

The Changing Face of Economics

Conversations with Cutting Edge Economists

Interviews with nine economists working at the forefront of the profession show how it is changing

Putting the Invisible Hand to Work

Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics

A guide to introducing service learning in the economics classroom

Revitalizing Federal Education Research and Development

Improving the R&D Centers, Regional Educational Laboratories, and the "New" OERI

In-depth research that will be unequaled in understanding the formulation of new educational policies in the twenty-first century

Valuing Us All

Feminist Pedagogy and Economics

Argues for making economics classrooms more inclusive through changes in course content and teaching methods

The Social Benefits of Education

Measures and examines benefits of education beyond economic effects

Resource Allocation in Higher Education

Offers guidance for implementing reforms in the allocation of resources in colleges and universities

Paying the Piper

Productivity, Incentives, and Financing in U.S. Higher Education

Examines the successes and problems of U.S. higher education

Educating Economists

Proposes changes that would broaden the training of economists.