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Cultural Studies

Showing 1 to 25 of 26 results.


Classical Theater and Broken Memory

Theorizing the effects of memory, absence, and disappearance in classical theater—the aesthetics of ruins

Immersions in Cultural Difference

Tourism, War, Performance

How immersive simulations—from a fictional border-crossing site to a mock terrorist training camp—attempt to foster understanding across cultures

Performing the Intercultural City

Explores how theater in Toronto, the world’s most multicultural city, vibrantly reflects its diversity and cultural makeup

After Live

Possibility, Potentiality, and the Future of Performance

An exploration of how live events—theater, dance, and installation art—stage encounters between the present and a radically ambivalent future

The Sarah Siddons Audio Files

Romanticism and the Lost Voice

Winner of the Barnard Hewitt Award and a Joe A. Callaway Award Honorable Mention

The President Electric

Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Performance

How Reagan's immersion in an electronic media culture of performance shaped his political career

Artaud and His Doubles

A radical re-thinking of one of the most canonized figures in theater history, theory, and practice

Illusive Utopia

Theater, Film, and Everyday Performance in North Korea

A rare glimpse into North Korean propaganda—in parades, posters, murals, theater, and films

The Stage Life of Props

Fresh and provocative readings of familiar stage objects provide new ways of understanding theater, dramatic literature, and culture

Performing America

Cultural Nationalism in American Theater

How theatrical representations of the U.S. have shaped national identity

Avant-Garde Performance and the Limits of Criticism

Approaching the Living Theatre, Happenings/Fluxus, and the Black Arts Movement

Explores the dynamic interactions of performance, politics, and literary criticism in three U.S countercultures in the 1950s and 60s

Not the Other Avant-Garde

The Transnational Foundations of Avant-Garde Performance

A radical new conception of the avant-garde that looks beyond Europe

Looking Into the Abyss

Essays on Scenography

Engaging essays by an internationally prominent historian and theorist of theater set design

The Haunted Stage

The Theatre as Memory Machine

Uncovers the ways in which the spectator's memory informs theatrical reception


Essays by leading theater scholars and theorists exploring the "turn to landscape" in modern and contemporary theater

Agitated States

Performance in the American Theater of Cruelty

American history as theater, and theater as the heart of American life

Performing Democracy

International Perspectives on Urban Community-Based Performance

International perspectives on a form of activist, participatory theater with marginalized groups in cities around the world

Brian Friel in Conversation

Reflections by the author of Dancing at Lughnasa on Irish writers, the theater, nationalism, Catholicism, and his childhood


Reading the Contemporary Stage

If such a thing as postmodern drama exists, how should we read it?


Race, Gender, and Nation in Contemporary Australian Theatre

The Australian stage explored for its complex negotiations of race, gender, and post-colonialism

Staging Resistance

Essays on Political Theater

Fresh perspectives on political theater and its essential contribution to contemporary culture

Approaching the Millennium

Essays on Angels in America

Leading critics, scholars, and theater practictioners consider the most talked-about play of the 1990s

Staging Place

The Geography of Modern Drama

The first book-length study of the notion of place and its implications in modern drama

Toward a Theater of the Oppressed

The Dramaturgy of John Arden

Assesses the dramaturgy and political significance of one of our most radical contemporary playwrights