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Cultural Studies

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

The British Blues Network

Adoption, Emulation, and Creativity

An exciting new examination of how African-American blues music was emulated and used by white British musicians in the late 1950s and early 1960s


In Permanent Crisis

Ethnicity in Contemporary European Media and Cinema

Dissects the ways filmmakers frame ethnic and racial Otherness in Europe as adornments of catastrophe

Religion and Spanish Film

Luis Buñuel, the Franco Era, and Contemporary Directors

How Spanish directors have handled religious themes, with their highly-charged political implications, from the historical avant-garde to 2010

New York-Paris

Whitman, Baudelaire, and the Hybrid City

A comparison of the mid-19th-century city in the poetry of Walt Whitman and Charles Baudelaire and their responses to the inescapable push of modernization

Architecture and Modern Literature

Exploring the related cultural forms of architecture and literature in the modern era

A Crooked Line

From Cultural History to the History of Society

A first-hand account of the genealogy of the discipline, and of the rise of a new era of social history, by one of the leading historians of a generation

Altering States

Ethnographies of Transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

Analyzes the social and cultural aspects of transition

Dehexing Sex

Russian Womanhood During and After Glasnost

A look at women's changing roles and images in the emerging new Russian society

Re-Entering the Sign

Perspectives on New Russian Culture

Russian artists and critics attest to the cultural changes emerging since the fall of the Soviet Union

Envisioning Eastern Europe

Postcommunist Cultural Studies

Explorations of cultural change in the former Soviet bloc