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Showing 1 to 25 of 37 results.

Ancient Bovillae

History, Art, and Archaeology of a Lost City in the Roman Hinterland

The first comprehensive study in English of the ancient Roman city and its decline

Beyond the River, Under the Eye of Rome

Explores how Roman perceptions of Danubian peoples influenced some of the most politically and socially significant events of Roman antiquity

Between Sahara and Sea

Africa in the Roman Empire

David Mattingly’s long-awaited book on North Africa and the Romans

Writing Imperial History

Tacitus from Agricola to Annales

Analyzes how Tacitus contributed to our current understanding of history and reveals the themes that permeated his writing

The Black Widows of the Eternal City

The True Story of Rome's Most Infamous Poisoners

An intriguing and well-researched account behind the dozens of female poisoners in seventeenth-century Rome

A Family of Gods

The Worship of the Imperial Family in the Latin West

Important examination of Roman imperial power structure

Provincial Soldiers and Imperial Instability in the Histories of Tacitus

Considers what Tacitus’ presentation of provincial soldiers was intended to teach Roman imperial readers

Portraits of the Vestal Virgins, Priestesses of Ancient Rome

Examines portraits of Rome’s Vestal Virgins as artistic documents and political vehicles

Finding Italy

Travel, Nation, and Colonization in Vergil's Aeneid

The Trojans' journey to Italy in Vergil’s Aeneid teaches them to love their new homeland and their new name—the Romans

Ushering in a New Republic

Theologies of Arrival at Rome in the First Century BCE

Exploring the theological framing of Republican leaders’ arrivals in Rome

Arguments with Silence

Writing the History of Roman Women

Examining the perishable nature of the history of women’s lives

Memoria Romana

Memory in Rome and Rome in Memory

An illumination of memory-the defining aspect of Roman civilization

Roman Siege Warfare

Key reading for the discerning history buff or academic specialist

The Age of Attila

Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians

Revised Edition

A classic brought back in print with an introduction and notes by David S. Potter

The Dramaturgy of Senecan Tragedy

Fresh insight into the dramaturgical practices of the Younger Seneca

The Voting Districts of the Roman Republic

The Thirty-five Urban and Rural Tribes

An indispensable tool for serious work on the Roman Republic

Obligations in Roman Law

Past, Present, and Future

Explores a fundamental building block of Roman life

Exploring the Kingdom of Saturn

Kircher's Latium and Its Legacy

Investigating Latium, Athanasius Kircher's 1671 study of the area around Rome

The Earliest Romans

A Character Sketch

An inviting exploration of Rome's founding centuries

Life, Death, and Entertainment in the Roman Empire

New and expanded edition

A lively survey for the nonspecialist, with new essays and a new appendix of translated documents

Public Office in Early Rome

Ritual Procedure and Political Practice

A study of the important interrelations between Roman religion and government

Pompeii's Living Statues

Ancient Roman Lives Stolen from Death

An intriguing look at contemporary views regarding the casts of victims from Mt. Vesuvius' eruption

The Laws of the Roman People

Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic

A major contribution to understanding the role of public law-making in the Roman Republic

The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World

A Study of Social History and the Brothel

An in-depth study of the different venues for the sale of sex in the Roman world