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Asian Studies

Showing 1 to 25 of 90 results.

Peony Pavilion Onstage

Four Centuries in the Career of a Chinese Drama

One of the few full-length English-language studies of Chinese drama and the only one to focus on the pivotal Kun opera Peony Pavilion

Legends of the Warring States

Persuasions, Romances, and Stories from Chan-kuo Ts'e

Lively accounts of political intrigue and other lore from early China.

Labor and the Chinese Revolution

Class Strategies and Contradictions of Chinese Communism, 1928–1948

A definitive chronological study of labor’s role in the revolution, drawing upon a wide range of Chinese and Western sources

Appropriation and Representation

Feng Menglong and the Chinese Vernacular Story

How a member of the late Ming literati class creatively manipulated popular and literati culture to elevate an underrated literary genre

Two Studies on Ming History

A historical analysis of a famous military campaign in 1556, and a translation of a narrative account of a popular uprising in 1626

The Economy of Communist China, 1949–1969

Review of the economic development, factors, trends, and changes of Communist China

Nineteenth-Century China

Five Imperialist Perspectives

Collects contemporary perspectives of nineteenth-century China that exemplify British imperial knowledge, dreams, arguments, and enterprises

Chinese and Japanese Music-Dramas

Brings scholars of China, Japan, music, and speech together to assess the practices, structures, and networks of influence of a distinctive art form

Modern China, 1840–1972

An Introduction to Sources and Research Aids

Research aid for graduate students of modern China on how to find sources

The Matrix of Lyric Transformation

Poetic Modes and Self-Presentation in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry

Traces one the most important genres in early Chinese literature through a series of modes connoting varying social milieus, from folk to literati

Hsin-lun (New Treatise) and Other Writings by Huan T'an (43 B.C.–28 A.D.)

Reconstructs and translates a unique work of political criticism from an influential Confucian scholar-official

The Cultural Revolution

1967 in Review

Four papers showing the effects of the Cultural Revolution on occupational groups, economy, foreign policy, and political factions in Communist China

Between Two Plenums

China’s Intraleadership Conflict, 1959–1962

Educated Youth and the Cultural Revolution in China

Weighs the meaning of the Cultural Revolution for the young people who were its vanguard

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting

A treatise and a history that shed light on theories and practices of painting in the imperial Academy and the literati in the late Northern Sung period

The Ming Dynasty

Its Origins and Evolving Institutions

An Index to Reproductions of Paintings by Twentieth-Century Chinese Artists

An exhaustive reference work on traditional-style Chinese painting in the 20th century, complementing earlier guides to paintings from Imperial China

Double Jeopardy

A Critique of Seven Yüan Courtroom Dramas

Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters

A comprehensive analysis of the long-disputed structure of a great Daoist text

A Translation of Lao-tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Wang Pi’s Commentary

A meticulous translation of a Taoist classic carefully annotated with insights from an influential early commentary

Yuarn Music Dramas

Studies in Prosody and Structure and a Complete Catalogue of Northern Arias in the Dramatic Style